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A World Affairs Council Near You

Each week I look forward to “It’s Your World,” on KQED, the San Francisco based NPR radio station.  The show is a broadcast of the local World Affairs Council’s weekly guest speaker/presentation.  The Bay Area branch of the World Affairs Council regularly brings in interesting guests to discuss varying issues affecting our world today.

I live in Colorado, but I am able to listen online to the San Francisco group’s meetings via the weekly replay on internet radio. 


Closer to home, there are local chapters of the World Affairs Council which allows me to see speakers and presentations in person.  In my area I have access to a chapter in Denver, in the foothills near Denver, and Colorado Springs. There are nearly 100 chapters in the US which makes seeing a live event accessible for most people across the country.  Recordings are usually available on chapter websites, if attending a live event isn’t possible.  The full list of local chapters can be found here.

Some recent topics discussed from the San Francisco chapter include; the use of mobile technology to transform public healthcare, a discussion on why the Cuban embargo should end, why international treaties have not been more effective regarding human rights violations, a discussion of the personality profiles of some of the creative people who have pioneered the internet age, and how and why environmental policies are related to US Foreign policy.

Typical guests are former and current US Ambassadors and Foreign Diplomats, researchers, scholars, Nobel Prize winners, and humanitarians. Often guests are people working to make the world a better place for those who need a voice.  Our daily press and media offerings often do not give us enough of this educated perspective of what is happening outside of our US borders. It also helps one to understand at times how the world may view the USA.

Each day GPI works with clients to localize websites, documentation and software.  We also spend time daily speaking with our clients, domestic and abroad. Having regular contact with our clients, especially our global clients, gives us insight into what issues and events are affecting their lives, personally and professionally. The World Affairs Council provides a view into what is impacting the lives of people globally in a manner not met with most other news sources.  You should check out the World Affairs Council to see what is being discussed. I am sure you will find it as do I, an important resource about the issues and people effecting the world beyond our borders.


Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon speaks at a Town Hall meeting organized by the World Affairs Council in San Francisco, California.

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