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Japanese Localization

Japanese Localization

To attract Japanese customers and clients, you will have to familiarize yourself with the idea of Japanese localization. Japanese localization is the process of adapting the language, appearance, and functionality of a product or website for the Japanese market. A complex Asian language, Japanese presents a variety of unique challenges to Japanese localization professionals.

Japanese Localization

Japanese consumers are known to have high standards for the performance and appearance of products. To ensure a positive reception for your software, website, and documentation, it is a good idea to work with an experienced localization company. Your localization service provider should employ Japanese, native speaking teams of localization specialists who understand how to anticipate and solve the myriad of potential Japanese globalization issues.

Some examples of globalization (G11N) issues include:

Website Issues Localization Requirements
Fonts Double-byte enablement
Color scheme Inoffensive colors (e.g. minimal white, which represents mourning)
Tone More formal than English source
Date, time, currency formats Change to standard Japanese formats
eCommerce payments Enable various payment methods such as bank transfers


Software Issues Localization Requirements
Time to market Translation memory tools help speed translation
High user expectations Testers should be Japanese


Documentation Issues Localization Requirements
Text length Accommodate possible text expansion
Printing Japanese fonts Embed fonts in PDF file for printer
Font direction Determine if client prefers left-right or top-bottom directionality


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