Top 20 Most Requested Translations: English to Japanese
Unlike many other languages, Japanese uses three unique alphabets: Kanji, Hiragana and Katakana. From our research and experience translating English and Japanese, we have found that the 20 most requested translations for this language pair are the following.
Top 20 Requested Phrases:
English |
Japanese |
Hello |
こんにちは |
Goodbye |
さようなら |
Merry Christmas |
メリークリスマス |
Happy Holidays |
N/A (There’s no such saying in Japanese – Merry Christmas is used) |
Happy Birthday |
お誕生日おめでとう |
Happy New Year |
明けましておめでとうございます or 謹賀新年 |
Congratulations |
おめでとう |
What time is it? |
今、何時ですか。 |
Where is the bathroom? |
トイレはどこですか? |
My name is… |
私の名前は…です。 |
What is your name? |
あなたのお名前は? |
Peace |
平和 |
Welcome |
ようこそ |
Thank you. |
ありがとう |
You are welcome |
どういたしまして |
Where can I find a hospital? |
病院はどこですか。 |
Where can I find a bank? |
銀行はどこですか。 |
Where can I find a good restaurant? |
おいしいレストランはありませんか。 |
Where can I find a taxi? |
タクシーにはどこで乗れますか。 |
Where can I find an airport? |
空港はどこですか。 |
There are other words that are commonly translated, like numbers and months, for content that includes things like dates and time.
Translations of 1 to 20:
Kanji |
Hiragana |
Kanji |
Hiragana |
Kanji |
Hiragana |
Kanji |
Hiragana |
1 |
一 |
いち |
6 |
六 |
ろく |
11 |
十一 |
じゅういち |
16 |
十六 |
じゅうろく |
2 |
二 |
に |
7 |
七 |
なな(しち) |
12 |
十二 |
じゅうに |
17 |
十七 |
(じゅうしち) |
3 |
三 |
さん |
8 |
八 |
はち |
13 |
十三 |
じゅうさん |
18 |
十八 |
じゅうはち |
4 |
四 |
よん(し) |
9 |
九 |
きゅう(く) |
14 |
十四 |
(じゅうし) |
19 |
十九 |
(じゅうきゅう) |
5 |
五 |
ご |
10 |
十 |
じゅう |
15 |
十五 |
じゅうご |
20 |
二十 |
にじゅう |
Months of the year:
January | 1月 |
February | 2月 |
March | 3月 |
April | 4月 |
May | 5月 |
June | 6月 |
July | 7月 |
August | 8月 |
September | 9月 |
October | 10月 |
November | 11月 |
December | 12月 |
Globalization does not mean just translating a source language into the target language, it also means knowing and understanding the cultural differences and similarities. It is important to understand the cultures so that you can make the translation suitable to the target audience. By being aware of the most commonly requested phrases for translation, you begin to understand how to communicate with your potential customers.