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Tools to Reduce Language Translation Services Costs

Every language translation services agency provides some type of custom tools or solutions to differentiate itself from other vendors. Globalization Partners International (GPI) has spent several years developing and refining a Globalization Project Management Suite® (GPMS) and a robust Globalization Toolkit. For purposes of simplicity, we will refer to these tools as “G11nTools” in this blog.


Both GPMS and G11nTools help reduce time and costs associated with language translation projects by making critical file and content assets more readily available to localization engineers and other technical stakeholders in the language translation process. This blog will cover some of the various ways that both tools can make the most of your translation budget, and cut costs, freeing up funds to translate your content into even more languages!

Globalization Project Management Suite® (GPMS)

GPMS includes a range of features which helps track and manage language translation services projects. The software was designed and developed by seasoned, in-house specialists at GPI and has been updated and in constant use year to year for over 8 years enabling the efficient global project management of thousands of web, software and document translation projects

Key features include:

  • Quality Control: on-line checklists and other functions ensure that QC is conducted according to correct project specifications
  • Status Reporting: status reports are generated in a format and with frequency requested by GPI clients on a per-project basis
  • Tracking: Project schedule and budget tracking tools make sure that language translation projects stay within budget and are delivered on time
  • Project archiving and translation memory management tools are also included.


GPI’s Globalization Toolkit (G11nTools) enhances language translation services by enabling everything from scanning code bases for internationalization issues to preparing a wide range of file formats for translation.

G11Tools are a suite of software developed by the GPI to help in the analysis, preparation and localization for many different types of files and programming languages such as XML, HTML, JavaScript, asp,, T-SQL, etc. These tools can be customized to handle virtually any type of file by adding regular expressions and custom settings.

GPI’s Translation Tools can be used to achieve different engineering localization tasks such as protecting code tags and externalizing only the content for translation by following a few and easy steps to adjust the project settings:*

The automated process, once done, can re-refine results using the different search options:*

GPI G11nTool is also able to export the prepared source files ready for analysis and translation in different formats, such as RTF, TTX and finally the project can be saved for future use or updates. All settings are saved in project XML file, including all the previous steps and customizations.


Through many years’ of utilizing GPI’s Globalization Toolkit with hundreds of customer projects have proven this G11nTool’s high capacity for handling large and complex projects. G11nTools demonstrate many advantages compared to TagEditor, due to its flexibility in handling different types of formats using customized settings that guarantee an accurate analysis for the translation content and a faster way to handle the large and complex files. GPI’s G11nTools have proven to be extremely stable due to constant and varied use by GPI Localization Engineers. GPI’s G11nTools are undergoing continued development to include new features, language support and settings in order to handle any type of files/formats based, on evolving clients’ requirements and new source file types.