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April to June Edition of Languages & Locales Newsletter Now Available!

GPI's April-June Newsletter 2023April’s issue of Languages & Locales does not disappoint with its Website Localization Case study for the Marina Bay Sands. When they needed to localize their website for its international visitors, they turned to GPI to provide best-in-class support. Utilizing best practices, along with the Globalization Project Management Suite, GPI’s translation Services Portal, GPI supported the development and deployment of the Marina Bay Sands website into seven languages.

In Tools & Tips, learn more about GPI’s translation Services Connector for Kentico. Kentico is a web content management system (CMS) that makes it easy to develop, manage and deploy websites. The GPI connector for Kentico makes managing multilingual websites easy and seamless.

In Meet the Team, take a moment to learn about GPI’s own Vimal Panicker, Director: Global Business Engagement.

Finally, in our Curation Corner, learn what country plans to become the next tourist industry leader and the challenges they face.

Are you ready to dive in? Read the Languages & Locales January – March edition now!

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