Chinese Translation Services for Your Hotel Guests
China is one of the top markets for tourism and hospitality. Most of the international chain hospitality groups and companies are doing the best they can to provide services that speak the right language for their Chinese guests. Having content and materials translated and localized into Chinese is one of the essential steps. There are several common types of Chinese translation services that hotel and hospitality operators usually require.
Chinese Document Translation
This material is related to any written materials hotel guests can read during or prior to their stay. Documents such as brochures, fac sheets and welcome kits provide important information about the hotel, and is key to the success of hotels attracting and welcoming guests to their properties. Examples also include but are not limited to restaurant menus, spa menus, marketing collateral, in room dining, promotion flyers, press releases, newsletters, rack brochures, etc.
An experienced LSP will not only make sure the content is translated and properly copywritten into Chinese, but also can have the files formatted and desktop published, as the original file, so the hotel can put translated documents into use or print directly and without further design or changes being applied.
The Chinese language is formed by characters rather than letters, and it requires native speaking linguists and desktop publishers who have experience working in this language to avoid any possible line breaks, corrupted characters and missing punctuation that non-native speakers are not able to spot.
Apart from Chinese translation services for hotel guests, internal material translation is also important for their Chinese speaking staff, such as brand guidelines, e-learning and training materials.
Chinese Website Translation
Most hotels invest a substantial amount of time and money in their website design and development. A hotel’s website is a window for the world to look into and see who they are and the level of services they provide, to their potential guests. Many hotels realize the importance of having their website localized into Chinese. Imagine if a guest is attracted to the beautiful imagery of your hotel website in Barcelona and is interested in staying during their visit. Well done, you have successfully gotten their attention. However, if the website is not properly translated, and they are not able to identify the right box to simply put their personal details, and check-in dates, etc., then you will probably end up losing their business.
Since Google does not work in China, you may also need to consider having your LSP work on the Search Engine Optimization, once your website is translated into Chinese. This ensures a hotel’s website and content are presented to the Chinese audience in platforms such as Baidu, Weibo, Wechat., etc.
Chinese Multimedia Translation
The common type of multimedia translation request includes hotel marketing videos, ads, signage, in-room interactive screens, etc. Multimedia translation requirements may vary, depending on the actual file format and desired deliverables from the hotel. Take video translation for example, there are different ways to localize depending on the content, such as script subtitles, headlines or voice over, depending on which, the actual workflow will be determined. One of the important tips for the hotel is to keep the communication channel open with your LSP, in order for them to provide the final product that’s up to your expectation.
To summarize, for hotels that are looking for Chinese translation services, whether it’s a restaurant menu, website landing page or advertising video, it’s important to work with an LSP who is experienced in this field, who can provide valuable advice and services that meet the hotel’s expectation. It is through such collaboration that the two parties achieve the desired results and produce the most appealing content to their guests.