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The Languages & Locales 4th Quarter edition is now available!

GPI's Q4 Newsletter 2024Wrapping up 2024

In this newsletter, we highlight our website localization project with Singita, a worldwide luxury African Safari lodge with 15 lodges worldwide. Working with Singita’s Contentful CMS and GPI’s Contentful Connector, we expertly localized Singita’s web pages into German.

In Tools & Tips, we explore our Translation Services Connector for WordPress (WPML) enabling us to seamlessly support WPML users and their website localization projects.

In Meet the Team, come meet Leticia Barrera, one of our top-notch Localization Project Managers.

In Curation Corner, learn what innovations Apple is making in the language world using AI.

GPI is proud to introduce ARTEE 1000™, our AI-powered copilot providing our team with the latest information so that we can provide our customers with the best service possible.

Finally, if you’re trying to determine if neural machine translation (NMT) – AI is right for your content and languages, GPI can help. We have designed a Research and Prototype Report that evaluates your project to determine the best method and tools to complete it.

2025 is just around the corner and we are excited to share the innovations we have planned for the coming year.

Are you ready to dive in? Read the Languages & Locales October – December edition now!

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