Language and Culture
We’re bringing you insights from around the world.

Taglish: A Modern Communication Bridge Reflecting Filipino Cultural Identity
Taglish, a blend of Tagalog and English, has becom...

Madagascar Culture and Language Translation
The world is vast, and the diversity of cultures g...

The Language and Culture of the Comoros
Comoros is an Arab country, also known as the Unio...

Seychelles Culture, Customs, and Traditions
The least populated sovereign country in Africa, S...

The Language and Culture of Ethiopia
Ethiopia, officially known as the Federal Democrat...

South Sudan Culture, Customs, and Traditions
Located in the east-central part of Africa, South ...

Zimbabwean Culture, Customs, and Traditions
Zimbabwe is located in southern Africa, with a pop...

Zambia Language and Culture: A Glimpse into Its Rich Heritage
Zambia, officially known as the Republic of Zambia...

Réunion France Culture and Traditions
Of the countries in Africa that represent a lot of...

Republic of Guinea Language and Culture
The coastal West African country, officially known...

Benin Culture, Customs, and Traditions
Benin Republic is a multilingual country situated ...

Uganda’s Culture, Language, Customs, and Traditions
Uganda, situated in east-central Africa, has a lan...

Rwanda’s Culture, Language, Customs, and Traditions
Rwanda, also called Le Pays des Mille Collines in ...

Malta Culture, Customs, and Traditions
Just a short hop away from Sicily lies the beautif...

Hungary Culture, Customs and Traditions
Hungary is a proud nation in Central Europe with a...

Norway Culture, Customs and Traditions
Located in the northernmost corner of Europe, Norw...

The Language and Culture of Morocco
Morocco is a nation in North Africa that borders S...

Croatia Culture, Customs and Traditions
Situated between Central and Southeast Europe, Cro...

Tanzania Culture, Customs, and Traditions
Tanzania represents exotic wildlife and is one of ...