Have You Ever Thought about Learning a New Language?
With over 100,000 characters, Mandarin is consider...

Languages & Locales Newsletter: July to September Edition Now Released!
Do not miss July’s issue of Languages & Locale...

Quality Assurance in Translation Services
Successful translations are dependent on a number ...

Netherlands Culture, Customs, and Traditions
Positioned in the northwest region of Europe, the ...

Conveying Beauty Through Language – A Closer Look into the Beauty and Cosmetics Industry
The beauty and cosmetics industry recognized and a...

Preparing to be a Professional Arabic Translator
Throughout history, translation has played a signi...

Switzerland Culture, Customs, and Traditions
Switzerland lies at the very heart of Europe and h...

The Importance of Marketing Translation for your Hotel
Hotel marketing translation involves translating y...

Denmark Country Culture, Customs and Traditions
Nestled among ancient mountains and the forests of...

Pseudo Localization and Why It’s Important
What is Pseudo Localization? Let’s start thi...

Spain Culture, Customs, and Traditions
The country of Spain is located on the Iberian Pen...

Multilingual Content Marketing Mistakes
Common Mistakes to Avoid in Your Multilingual Cont...

News: UAE Promoting Foreign Trade and Economic Growth
Representing 95% of the global trade market, the U...

Germany Culture, Customs, and Traditions
Germany is a country with a rich culture shaped by...

CAT Tools: How to Choose the Most Appropriate One?
What is a CAT tool? CAT stands for Computer-Assist...

The Importance of Localization/Translation in the Manufacturing Industry
One of the biggest elements that support the globa...

The Language and Culture of Djibouti
Djibouti is a multilingual country known as “The R...

Articulate Rise vs. Storyline: How to Choose the Right Tool
Articulate Rise and Storyline are the most popular...

April to June Edition of Languages & Locales Newsletter Now Available!
April’s issue of Languages & Locales does not ...

Working with a Translation Company in UAE
In a recent report, it is estimated about 5.16 bil...

Italy: Country, Culture and Customs
The beautiful country of Italy is in southern Euro...

Importance of Localizing Content for Asian Languages – Everything you need to know!
When it comes to reaching a global audience, local...

France Country Culture, Customs & Traditions
The country of France has a long and eventful hist...

Chinese Desktop Publishing and Design Best Practices
Translation of various documents into Chinese has ...

Microsoft Translator Adds 13 New African Languages
Microsoft Translator has just expanded its support...

Tips for Restaurant Menu Translation into Arabic
Although English is widely spoken in Arab countrie...

Client Translation Review – How the Client Can Take Part in the Translation Process
It has been said before – translation is an art, n...